Service tools ============= The DACQ contains many useful service tools that can help in the daily MEG activity. autonoises ---------- The ``autonoises`` tool is used to measure the noise level in the MEG room and to auto-detect noisy or out of range channels. This tool runs on an empty-room recording. .. code-block:: bash $ /neuro/dacq/tools/noise/autonoises emptyroom_68.fif dossp ----- The ``dossp`` tool is used to compute SSP projectors from an empty-room recording. The tool will: - Select a channel type - Apply filters (by default, low-pass @ 48 Hz) .. note:: The filters do not retain the line frequency noise on purpose. Line frequency is rarely corrected by SSPs projector. .. note:: It might be better to remove the DC component with an (0.1, 48) Hz bandpass filter. - Compute the covariance matrix - Compute the PCA decomposition of the covariance matrix and keep the first N components (8 by default) - Removes components which are locked on a sensor .. code-block:: bash $ /neuro/dacq/tools/noise/dossp emptyroom_68.fif .. note:: The filters parameters differ from MNE's default which yields differences in the obtained projectors between ``dossp`` and MNE's function :func:`~mne.compute_proj_raw`. Moreover, our site has a strong 16.7 hz noise coming from the railway electrificatin system. This artifact can be very well captured by 1-3 components estimated on the narrowband 15-18 Hz. The projectors from the narrow and wideband PCA can be combined to form an orthogonal basis. autophantom ----------- Autophantom automatically fits the measured dipoles with ``xfit`` and compares it with the known true position of each individual dipole. It requires an evoked (average) FIFF file as input. .. code-block:: bash $ /neuro/dacq/tools/service/autophantom phantom_avg.fif --pdf