.. include:: ./links.inc Datasheets ========== This page lists the datasheets for the various devices used on the MEG facility. MEG --- The MEG datasheet is available on `MEGIN's website `_ or as PDF here: .. image:: ./_static/icons/pdf.png :align: center :alt: Download (MEG Product Data) :target: ./_static/downloads/datasheet/meg.pdf :width: 100 ProPixx ------- The ProPixx is the video projector. See additional information :ref:`here `. .. image:: ./_static/icons/pdf.png :align: center :alt: Download (SoundPixx datasheet) :target: ../_static/downloads/datasheet/propixx.pdf :width: 100 SoundPixx --------- The SoundPixx is one of the audio system. See additional information :ref:`here `. .. image:: ./_static/icons/pdf.png :align: center :alt: Download (SoundPixx datasheet) :target: ../../_static/downloads/datasheet/soundpixx.pdf :width: 100 Natus TIP-300 ------------- The Natus TIP-300, also called Etymotic ER-2, is one of the audio system. See additional information :ref:`here `. .. image:: ./_static/icons/pdf.png :align: center :alt: Download (SoundPixx datasheet) :target: ../../_static/downloads/datasheet/tip-300.pdf :width: 100