.. include:: ../links.inc Optimic ======= The `Optimic MEG microphone`_ is a passive fiber optic microphone from the company `Opto acoustics`_. .. image:: ../_static/devices/optimic.png :align: center :class: img-with-border :width: 600 The microphone is connected to the Electro-Optic Unit (EOU 200, single channel) on the desktop which converts the optical signal to an electrical signal. The EOU unit is connected to the audio input channel of the :ref:`stimulation PC `, to a ``misc`` channel of the MEG and to speakers for feedback. .. note:: Due to the 'low' :ref:`sampling rate ` of the MEG, most auditory waveforms can not be sampled by the MEG system. However, it is usually possible to observe the onset of the recorded sound.