:hide-toc: .. include:: ./links.inc **MEG wiki** ============ .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: General meg-session.rst meg-contraindications.rst meg-settings.rst meg-triggers.rst stim-pc.rst data-transfer.rst data-analysis-pc.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Devices devices/audio/index.rst devices/visual.rst devices/eye-tracker.rst devices/response-pads/index.rst devices/optimic.rst devices/electrical-stimulator.rst devices/electrophysiology.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Resources MNE-Python FieldTrip glossary.rst datasheets.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Code api/index.rst generated/tutorials/index.rst contributing.rst .. toctree:: :hidden: :caption: Advanced advanced/manual_tuning.rst advanced/fine_calibration.rst advanced/service_tools.rst advanced/settings.rst Wiki for the `MEGIN Triux Neo`_ at the Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva. With 306 :term:`SQUID` sensors, 204 planar gradiometers and 102 magnetometers, it can measure brain activity in upright or supine position. .. image:: ./_static/meg/meg-positions-dark.png :align: center :class: only-dark :width: 500 .. image:: ./_static/meg/meg-positions-light.png :align: center :class: only-light :width: 500 .. image:: ./_static/map/h4-dark.png :align: right :class: only-dark :width: 440 .. image:: ./_static/map/h4-light.png :align: right :class: only-light :width: 440 Where to find us ---------------- The MEEG-BCI facility is located in ``H4.01``. The main entry is in front of the Time-out shop. Access to ``H4.01`` is restricted and requires a valid badge. Contact us ---------- The facility can be contacted on meg@fcbg.ch and eeg@fcbg.ch depending on the modality requested. Alternatively, you can contact directly one of the facility members: - Gwenael Birot (manager): gwenael.birot@fcbg.ch - Jonathan Marquis (technologist): jonathan.marquis@fcbg.ch - Mathieu Scheltienne (engineer): mathieu.scheltienne@fcbg.ch - Nathalie Philippe (technologist): nathalie.philippe@fcbg.ch - Vincent Rochas (scientist): vincent.rochas@fcbg.ch | Booking the MEG --------------- The MEG can be booked on `Campus Biotech Calpendo `_ through the researcher individual account used for all FCBG facilities equipment. Only approved projects can book the MEG. Please contact the facility team if you need access to `Calpendo`_.