.. include:: ./links.inc Stimulation PC ============== The stimulation PC is connected to the stimulation devices. It can boot on Windows 10 or on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (generic or lowlatency kernel). In both case, users should use the non-admin account ``meguser`` and projects should be stored in ``~/projects``. Specifications -------------- The stimulation PC runs on an `intel Xeon W-2245`_ (8 cores, 16 threads) with 32 GB of RAM and an `Nvidia Quadro P2200`_. This hardware is recent but not high-end. Stimulation paradigms rarely require high-end hardware with high throughput. Instead, latency and regularity are more valuable and are similar between high-end and middle-end hardware. E-Prime ------- E-Prime is designed to work with a `Chronos`_ device to manage both auditory outputs and I/O lines, among which triggers. If the `Chronos`_ is not used, the settings should be set to: - parallel port to ``LPT4`` - audio driver to ``ASIO`` .. warning:: With audio stimulation, the ``DirectSound`` driver yields unreliable timings. Finally, the monitor index should be set to ``1`` or ``2``, but E-Prime does not identify the monitor index reliably and might swap the monitor index between 2 reboots. Python ------ For Python, virtual environments are used to separate the dependencies of different projects and paradigms. The virtual environment can be created either through VSCode or through a terminal. The python version defined in the `SPEC 0`_ by the scientific python community are available on the stimulation PC, as of writing, python 3.9 to python 3.12. .. important:: The stimulation PC prevents ``pip`` installation of packages within the base environment. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: VSCode In VSCode, open the folder from your project, e.g. ``~/projects/my_project``. Using the command palette (``Ctrl+Shift+P``), search for ``Python: Select Interpreter``. You can then create an environment using ``venv`` and the python interpreter (version) of your choice. The created virtual environment will be placed in the current directory in the folder ``.venv``, i.e. ``~/projects/my_project/.venv``. Subsequent terminals opened in VSCode while this folder is opened will automatically activate the virtual environment. You can now install packages in this virtual environment with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install numpy This method works both for Windows and Linux. .. tab-item:: Windows In a command prompt or terminal (recommended: ``Cmder``), navigate to the project location and to the folder in which you wish to create the virtual environment. You can create the virtual environment with ``venv``: .. code-block:: bash $ py -m venv .venv .. note:: You can replace ``.venv`` with the name of the environment. This name will be used to create the folder in which the environment will be stored. .. note:: If you wish to select a different python version than the version bind to ``py``, specify the version after ``py``. For instance the command below launches a 3.11 python interpreter (if installed on the system). .. code-block:: bash $ py -3.11 Once created, you can activate the environment with: .. code-block:: bash $ .venv\Scripts\activate.bat .. note:: You will always have to manually activate the environment in new terminals. You can now install packages in this virtual environment with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install numpy .. tab-item:: Linux In a terminal, navigate to the project location and to the folder in which you wish to create the virtual environment. You can create the virtual environment with ``venv``: .. code-block:: bash $ python3.10 -m venv .venv --copies .. note:: You can replace ``.venv`` with the name of the environment. This name will be used to create the folder in which the environment will be stored. .. note:: If you wish to select a different python version, replace ``python3.10`` with, the appropriate version. For instance, the command below launches a 3.12 python interpreter. .. code-block:: bash $ python3.12 You can now install packages in this virtual environment with ``pip``: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install numpy PsychoPy -------- A default PsychoPy ``2023.2.3`` installation is available on the Windows partition. However, it is recommended to use a virtual environment to install the latest version of PsychoPy when able. MATLAB ------ MATLAB ``R2024a`` is installed on both the Windows and Linux partition of the stimulation PC. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows On Windows, a shortcut on the desktops are available. Psychtoolbox version ```` is installed. .. tab-item:: Linux On Linux, the executable is located here: ``/usr/local/bin/matlab``. Triggers -------- The stimulation PC can send triggers to the first 8 bits of the trigger interface on the main desk, ``STI102``, via a parallel port (DB-25) or via the `Chronos`_ if :ref:`stim-pc:E-Prime` is in-use. The triggers should last a couple of millisecond, 10 ms is recommended. The parallel port should be initialized to ``0`` at the beginning of the paradigm and it should be reset to ``0`` after each trigger. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Python (Windows) The platform provides `byte-triggers`_ to send triggers in paradigm. It supports :class:`~byte_triggers.MockTrigger` (for testing purposes), :class:`~byte_triggers.LSLTrigger` (for software triggers) and :class:`~byte_triggers.ParallelPortTrigger` (for hardware triggers). .. code-block:: python from byte_triggers import ParallelPortTrigger trigger = ParallelPortTrigger(0x2FB8) # hexadecimal address trigger.signal(101) .. note:: :class:`~byte_triggers.ParallelPortTrigger` automatically resets the parallel port to ``0`` after each trigger, in a separate thread. This avoids blocking the main thread. The default reset delay is set to ``10 ms``. .. note:: Note that the :ref:`stimulation PC ` is pre-configured. On other computers, microsoft redistributables and the :download:`inpoutx64.dll <./_static/downloads/triggers/inpoutx64.dll>` file in ``C:\Windows\system32`` may be required. .. tab-item:: Python (Linux) The platform provides `byte-triggers`_ to send triggers in paradigm. It supports :class:`~byte_triggers.MockTrigger` (for testing purposes), :class:`~byte_triggers.LSLTrigger` (for software triggers) and :class:`~byte_triggers.ParallelPortTrigger` (for hardware triggers). .. code-block:: python from byte_triggers import ParallelPortTrigger trigger = ParallelPortTrigger("/dev/parport0") trigger.signal(101) .. note:: :class:`~byte_triggers.ParallelPortTrigger` automatically resets the parallel port to ``0`` after each trigger, in a separate thread. This avoids blocking the main thread. The default reset delay is set to ``10 ms``. .. tab-item:: MATLAB (Windows) 1. Download :download:`io64.mexw64 <./_static/downloads/triggers/io64.mexw64>` in your MATLAB path 2. In MATLAB, use the following code to send triggers between ``1`` and ``255``: .. code-block:: matlab %% Initialize the parallel port object address = hex2dec("2FB8"); ioObj = io64; status = io64(ioObj); io64(ioObj, address, 0); % set the parallel port to 0 (default state) %% Deliver the trigger 101 io64(ioObj, address, 101); % set the parallel port to 101 pause(0.01); % wait for 10 ms io64(ioObj, address, 0); % set the parallel port back to 0 .. note:: Note that the :ref:`stimulation PC ` is pre-configured. On other computers, microsoft redistributables and the :download:`inpoutx64.dll <./_static/downloads/triggers/inpoutx64.dll>` file in ``C:\Windows\system32`` may be required. .. note:: If you need precise control on the monitor refresh rate, make sure that the wait delay is smaller than the interval between 2 frames. On the stimulation PC, the :ref:`ProPixx projector ` has a 120 refresh rate, i.e. 2 frames are separated y 8.33 ms. Measuring trigger to event delay -------------------------------- Delays between an :ref:`MEG trigger ` and an event can be measured by connecting a measuring device to a miscellaneous channel of the MEG system. The :ref:`sampling rate ` can be increased to 5 kHz to measure higher frequency content. For **visual task**, a photodiode is available. The photodiode optical fiber should be connected to the powered digitizer. The analogical output of the digitizer is sufficient in most cases, and should be preferred above the thresholded digital output. For **auditory task**, one of the monitoring output from the `Crimson 3`_, ``Phones 1`` can be connected via a jack to BNC cable to a miscellaneous channel, ``MISC 006``. See additional information about this measure in the :ref:`trigger to sound onset delay ` section and in the tutorial :ref:`tut-proxy-audio-measure`. Ethernet TCP/UDP ---------------- The stimulation PC has an extra GigE network card, `TP-Link TG-3468`_, which can be used in paradigms for network based communications.